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Nous recrutons ! We are recruiting !
Tu t’identifies comme un.e jeune racisé.e, im/migrant.e, réfugié.e et/ou comme appartenant a un groupe culturel minoritaire et tu as entre 14 et 25 ans ? Ou comme un parent/proche/membre de la famille d'un de ces jeunes ? Ou encore, comme un intervenant.e qui travaille avec ces jeunes ? Viens participer à notre recherche !
Do you identify yourself as a young person from a racialized, immigrant or refugee background and/or belonging to a minority cultural group and are aged between 14 and 25? Or as a parent/relative/family member of one of these young people? Or as someone who works with these young people? Come and take part in our research!
Scroll down the page to find all the information in English.
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